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The children we want to reach. The signs are rarely this obvious, but an estimated one in five girls and one in ten boys globally has been subjected to sexual abuse. Help us break it! Childhood works to prevent violence and sexual abuse of children. Support us! Support our work against violence and sexual abuse of children. See how we are changing the lives of children.
Projekts Karjeras atbalsts vispārējās un profesionālās izglītības iestādēs. Atbalsts izglītojamo individuālo kompetenču attīstībai. Atbalsts priekšlaicīgas mācību pārtraukšanas samazināšanai. Nodibinājums Jāņa Bisenieka fonds izsludina biznesa ideju konkursu skolēniem. Skolēniem pieteikumi jāiesniedz līdz 2018. Starptautiskā skolēnu zinātniskā matemātikas olimpiādē uzvar Roberts Ralfs Vārslavs no Jelgavas Spīdolas ģimnāzijas.
Biedrība Mantinieki aicina uz Kurzemes starpkultūru festivālu 2015! Publicēšanas datums 17 augusts 2015.
Course Resources Related to Topics in Education and Beyond. Think about every problem, every challenge, we face. The solution to each starts with education. This entry was posted on October 17, 2016. Appeal to me because of their cause, dedication, and the will .
373-22-85-46-71, 022-85-46-89, 022-24-41-64. Cursuri de perfectionare - 20 credite. Cursuri de perfecționare 20 credite. Cursuri de perfectionare - 10 credite. Cursuri de recalificare pentru cadre didactice. Ne bucurăm să vă adresăm urarea.
Innovation Incubation Center, National Chengchi University.
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